Intelligent Tutoring System
MYai education and study assistants with voice engagement
MYai education and study assistants are virtual mentors coaching and guiding students to improve academically by deploying:
•Targeted assistance which is focused on areas of weaknesses that require improvement.
•Adapt, guide, and support at the student’s learning pace
•Patiently assist the student in the learning process until the
student grasps and understands the study material before moving on

How MYai Studies is Transforming AI in Education

MYai AI bot is ethically trained, avoids doing work for students, and monitors for plagiarism
MYai education AI does not produce students’ work
MYai training bucket connects educators and AI for the most advanced personalized learning
Provides free access to low-income school districts
Enhanced student data and privacy protection with individualized modules
MYai Reconnects AI and Educators
How is AI changing the Education Environment

Personalized Learning and Teaching
Adaptive Learning System
Engaging Learning Environment
AI performance Tracking and Assessment

Personalized Learning and Teaching
MYai Delivers Private Learning and Training buckets
Each student’s personalized study program is equipped with a learning and training bucket with access to a tutor and AI
Collaborative work between teachers and AI provides students with the most advanced learning and teaching platform.
Teacher and AI collaborate to personalize student learning, from content provisioning, work-study material, and support, to weaknesses, guidance, and assessment.
Our proprietary Training Bucket allows teachers to collaborate with AI to tailor learning strategies based on individual student experiences and pace of learning.
We Put Teachers Back in Control
AI algorithm assesses
Student performance:
Weaknesses and
Learning style for each student
Causing the study materials to adapt dynamically.
Reports to School, parent and teacher triggers teacher’s engagement
in the adaptation of study materials based on student learning pace

How are teachers using AI

Personalized AI Engagement
AI will engage individual
Students for personalized study
Interactive Group Study
AI engages students in group study
and assignments
Engaging Learning Environment

Advance Learning Process
Intelligent Tutoring System
Personalized Learning and Teaching
Adaptive Learning System
Assessment and Testing
AI Performance Tracking and Algorithm
Tutor/AI Training and Collaborative Platform
Whiteboard Group Learning Environment with AI
MyaiStudies Subscription Plans
Available for institutions and teachers only
Curriculum upload and student management
Student Study reports
Anti-Plagiarism tool
Upload homework and assignments
Voice AI assistant
Participating Students must have registered paid access
Group study room
AI study assistant
Foreign student conversation
Language Translation
AI-assisted cramming for exam
Available for institutions and teacher’s curriculum upload and management
Student Management
Student Study reports
Anti-Plagiarism tool
Upload homework and assignments
Voice AI assistant
Participating Students must have registered paid access
Group study room
AI Study assistant
Foreign student conversation
Language Translation
AI-assisted cramming for exam
Available for institutions and teacher’s curriculum upload and management
Student Management
Student Study reports
Anti-Plagiarism tool
Upload homework and assignments
Voice AI assistant
Participating Students must have registered paid access
Group study room
AI Study assistant
Foreign student conversation
Language Translation
AI-assisted cramming for exam
Available for institutions and teacher’s curriculum upload and management
Student Management
Student Study reports
Anti-Plagiarism tool
Upload homework and assignments
Voice AI assistant
Participating Students must have registered paid access
Group study room
AI Study assistant
Foreign student conversation
Language Translation
AI-assisted cramming for exam